Manufacturing enterprise 130 workplaces including office and industrial workplaces, 3 remote locations with distributed network over the territory of 2 hectares
What was done
❖ Migrateion 5 internal application serverrs from MS Windows Server to CentOS Linux
❖ Migration Edge IT services for MS Windows to FreeBSD (Firewall + VPN + Edge Routing)
❖ Implementation OpenLDAP + Kerberros5 vs MS Acitve Directory
❖ Implementation Samba whit MS Windows client connection ability vs MS File Server Services
❖ Zimbra vs MS Exchange
❖ OpenERP vs 1C
❖ Migration 130 wokrsation form MS Windows 7 to Linux Mint
❖ Re-Designe and Implement internal network infrastructure
And for what?
❖ Reduced costs (more than 30% of IT budget per month)
❖ Improve ability to network management
❖ Zero-cost scalability
❖ Ability to use automation approach to system administration without additional costs