Comprehensive work from a sketch on paper to the launch of the site in a week. We quickly and very cost-effectively solved all the issues with the creation of a simple web-representation for the European charitable foundation Heart to Heart.
❖ Very quickly and as cheaply as possible to make a business card web site for a charitable foundation.
❖ Make all the necessary preparations and launch the site on a turnkey basis
What was done
❖ Based on the found ready-made templates, a prototype of the future site was created very quickly (in 3-4 hours).
❖ Discussed with the customer all changes in the structure of the site and its content
❖ Found and selected pictures and other design elements on free resources in compliance with copyrights and intellectual property
❖ Found, agreed and registered a suitable free domain name
❖ Selected and connected a security certificate
❖ We chose and agreed on the most appropriate and secure option for hosting the site – GitHub Pages
❖ Set up GitHub account for convenient work, including automation deploy system (CI/CD)
❖ Created and set up a system for receiving donations based on PayPal
❖ Connected GMail and Google Analytics
❖ Made all the settings for SEO
❖ All accounts were handed over to the representative of the fund with instructions on changing passwords and access rights